Our community coming together to make our home a greener happier place to live.
Climate Change has become both a national and international problem. The predicted effects of Climate Change are now beginning to affect life across the world, as well as in the UK which has already experienced plenty of extreme weather.
There are now national and international cries for something to change on a monumental scale – yet the problem is so big, individuals feel powerless and isolated, wondering how they can possibly make a difference.
This campaign is designed to be an effective community response to an international problem. It is designed so all members of our community feel they have influence by acting together.
The project will be run under 5 ‘pillars’ to focus our efforts and help to engage the community in practical and achievable tasks to support the local environment.
We include Shedfield, Sherrell Heath and Waltham Chase.
The Greening Campaign has received Lottery Funding to support 20 communities across Hampshire tackle issues around climate change (we’re one of them)! To do this effectively, they have partnered with other specialist organisations who will help us on their area of expertise. The aim of the Greening Campaign is to bring communities together through a program of ‘Engagement’, to give residents a voice in how they tackle climate change, and to guide and support them to achieve a real difference.
Energy prices are rising and the need to reduce CO2 output has become more important than ever before. The only way to face this problem is if we all make small steps together. Why not book a thermal imaging scan on your home and see where heat is “leaking”? Simple changes save money and CO2. Missed our last week of this? Why not check out our calendar to see when we’re next holding this in your area.
On the 28th of February a Katy Gary, a nature Wilder Neighbourhoods Officer from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, took a group of us on a 3 mile nature walk. We stopped at a range of habitats along the way where she pointed out ways we can improve it to make a better space for nature. Along the way we spotted over 22 different species of birds. If you missed it, why not join us on our next one on the 8th of February- more info to come out about it soon.
On the 7th of September we made our first introductions to the public with a stall at the Shedfield Shindig. We spoke to local residents about the purpose of the project, spread information about how they can get involved to help and even gained a few members- all the while enjoying the music.
Here are the nearest events, want to see what we’re doing in the future? Click the button below to see our 2025 calendar!